Contactor Test Bench


  • Do you manufacture/ assemble Contactors and want to Test Contactors in Production ?
  • Are you looking to Expand production capacity of Contactor manufacturing by simultaneously testing multiple contactors ?
  •  Do you want to have Unique barcode to each of your Contactor and also Log its Test results for fututure tracebility and Cusomer Complaint analysis ?
  • Are you looking for Lab purpose Contactor Test Bench where you can analyse minute characteristic of your Contactor ?



We offer "PC based Contactor Test Bench" to serve all your needs as per "IS/ IEC 60947" standards.

 Contactor Test Bench IEC 60947



"Contactor Test Bench" is capable to do perform followings tests.

  • Unique Barcode to each Contactor
  • Data Logging against Unique Barcode
  • Excel Report Generation and Data Analysis
  • Low Skill Operator friendly
Single Station Manual Contactor Test Bench PDF symbol
Single Station Automatic Contactor Test Bech PDF symbol

PC based Multi Station Automatic
Contactor Test Bench

with Pluggable Fixtures
for high production volumes

PDF symbol



  • Contactor Pick up voltage, Drop off voltage -
    In this test, Coil voltage of the contactor is increased at the digitally fixed settable rate and the point voltage is obtained at which Contactor has picked up. and similarly Coil voltage is reduced to find the out the point voltage at which Contactor has dropped off. In this way, Pick up voltage test and Drop off voltage test of Contactor is carried out.
  • Contactor Pick up Time, Drop Off Time-
    With the help of high speed analog cards, We plot Voltage, Current and Continuity graphs in order to find out the Pick up time and Drop off time of the contactor with instantaneous voltage applied and removed.

  • Contactor Coil current/ VA rating measurement -
    Every contactor coil has some resistance and inductance and due to manufacturing process defects, quality of the Coil gets hampered and eventually performance of the contactor too. Hence, Coil current/ VA rating measurement test is conducted. In this test, 85%, 100% and 110% rated coil voltage is applied and corrosponding current consumption and power factor is measured. This test ensures that coil quality being used in the production is optimum and controlled.

  • Contactor Continuity/ Flashing test -
    Continuity test is basically conducted to ensure proper contact between moving and fixed contacts. Continuity/ Flashing test is conducted by doing contactor On & Off for say 50 times and continuity making and breaking is checked.

  • Contactor High Voltage/ Dielectric Test -
    Every contactor should have sufficient gap between their moving contact and fixed contact, when in open state, to ensure proper isolation. To ensure this, HV (High voltage)/ Dielectric test is conducted on Contactor. In this, High voltage in the range of 2.5KV or 3KV or sometimes more depending on the contactor capacity, is applied accross the open poles of the contactor and the leakage current is measured in the range of 0.1mA to 50mA. This leakage current value should be minimum or below specified limits. This is product deteriorating test, hence usually conducted at the end of all tests.

  • Contactor Contact Gap/ Over Travel/ Total Travel measurement - 
    In Contactor, Moving contacts are assembled on to the Fixed contacts. Due to spring, moving contacts are maintained at some height and when Contactor is made On, still there is some over travel capacity to ensure the proper contact. Hence, CG,OT,TT test (Contact Gap, Over Travel, Total Travel) is conducted.

  • Contactor Contact resistance/ mV drop test of the contacts -
    Moving Contacts/ Fixed contacts should make contact firmly and should not offer any additional contact resistance. To ensure this, Contact resistance test/ mV drop test is conducted. This test ensures that Contacts are not offering any subsequent contact resistance and hence do not heat up during operation.

  • Contactor Bridge Spring Force measurement -
    Every contactor has a spring which holds the bridge up. This spring should have enough force to push and to keep the bridge up. To ensure this, Bridge spring force is measured using load cell.

  • Contactor Mechanical/ Electrical Endurance Test -
    This test is of 2 types. Mechanical and Electrical endurance. It pushes and tests the contactor to its limits. In Endurance test, Contactors are made On/ Off for 1 to 50 million times. and during each operation, all the necessary parameters like coil current, coil power factor, Pick up time, Drop off time etc are measured and recorded in Computer database.


Options -

1. Basic Contactor Test Bench -
Manually check Pick up Voltage, Drop Off Voltage, Coil Current

2. Automatic Contactor Test Bench (Single Station) -
Single Station, MicroProcessor/ PLC based Test Bench. Automatically performs Continuity, Pick Up Voltage/ Time, Drop Off Voltage/ Time, Coil Current and declares PASS/ FAIL. Recipe management.

3. PC based Automatic Contactor Test Bench (Multiple Stations with pneumatic Fixtures) for high Producion Volumes -

4. Mechanical Endurance Test Bench (MicroProcessor based) - Up to 8 stations

5. Mechanical Endurance Test Bench (PC based) -


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